Join us as we experience Paris together. Options for tours will be posted closer to the event.
Learn how inextricably linked innovation and creativity are in this session, highlighting how to utilize both to elevate your new business ventures.
The most extraordinary ideas do not necessarily come out of nowhere; frequently, they are the result of examining the world around us and the world we would like to see. Hone your vision further in this course.
Learn from and network with established entrepreneurs at this lunchtime session.
See Paris’s Innovation Lab, where the brightest thinkers worldwide gather to bring the public new solutions for a better world.
Although many of us are eager to get back to a world that looks similar to the one we lived in pre-pandemic, there is no denying that the way it operates after will be markedly different. This session will discuss how the pandemic has affected how the world works and what we foresee as the actual new normal.
Digitalization and the rise of technology have improved lives in many ways, but it has not come without a specific price. Join us as we discuss the impacts that digital technology has on the world around us.
This special session will host leaders from the tourism, trade, and gig economy and learn how these three branches are interrelated.
While new ventures can present in all shapes and sizes, several elements are prevalent across all successful ones, which we will examine in this session.
If you are branching out into a new venture and curious about making sense of the financial aspect, this session will explore the building blocks for your new business.
Speaker: Dr. Winslow Sargeant
Although we live in a global society, it is crucial not to underestimate the value of growing your venture through your local networks. Here, we will discuss how to network locally successfully.
In this session, we will discuss how e-commerce has wholly shifted the shopping landscape in the last few decades and how the pandemic has only further solidified the possibility of online shopping. We will take a unique look at how the arts industry has adapted to this new ecosystem and how it will continue to change with the rise of e-commerce.
Everything in this world is interconnected and has an impact on the next idea or business. It’s essential to understand how your entrepreneurial mindset plays into the larger ecosystem to navigate the stakeholder landscape successfully.
It is one thing to devise a business plan and another thing entirely to make sure your model is sustainable in the long run. Through this session, we will learn several different models to base your business so that your venture will be long-lasting.
Transitioning from a small, private business to a publicly-traded company is a feat of enormous proportions and one that you will be equipped to handle after this session.
Once you have the spark of an idea for your new venture, it is time to take it to the next level with this session, which will lay out all aspects of the business plan that will guide your idea from spark to fire.
Living in a capitalist society, we often focus on providing goods for our customer base. However, this session will explore the change in business to a service-based economy and the particular implications of this shift.
Although many of us would not like to admit it, failure is an essential aspect of taking a risk as an entrepreneur. We can learn just as much from our failures as we do from our successes, and this resiliency will be taught in this session.
Although there can be significant differences between leading your business from the perspective of an entrepreneur, a leader, or a manager, the three positions are interconnected. In this session, we will discuss how to differentiate between the three to maintain clear boundaries and how to understand all three roles to operate your business smoothly.
FinTech allows for practically limitless opportunities in financial innovation. This session will invite attendees to explore the newest options within the industry and those that have yet to appear on the market.
Even the best, the most well-thought-out pitch will go nowhere fast if it’s delivered in a way that downplays its strengths and novel ideas. In this session, learn how to perform your pitch to investors in a way that they cannot refuse.
The 2030 UN Agenda for Sustainable Development relies on the cooperation of government, business, and citizens as it works toward a better future for us all. Despite setbacks, it has made great strides. Learn how women and their companies have been instrumental in making progress toward these ambitious goals.
A participatory workshop for those who wish to accelerate their success, be bold and live their ambitions! To dare to be oneself, to assert oneself, to give the best of oneself. Dare to be amazing!
The world has big problems, only through working together and utilizing everyone’s talents will they be solved. In this session, participants will choose an SDG to work on for the duration of the conference. They will then investigate and practice the design phase of a project by hearing another woman’s experience/story (Heart), attending a lecture (Head), and discuss ideas as a group (Hands). Women are encouraged to dream big, connect, and share their thoughts on Friday at the end of the conference.
No matter who you are, there are only 24 hrs in a day. As women, we often have multiple responsibilities. As entrepreneurs, we need to know how to work smart (not just hard).This session provides tips to save time and still run a profitable business.
The phrase “putting your money where your mouth is” develops new meaning in this session dedicated to understanding how providing financial backing to women entrepreneurs helps to expand cultural and social values.
So you have a project that will make the world better. How do you get started building it? In this session, participants will continue to work with the SDG groups they have chosen and develop their idea. The section will again follow the heart/head/hands model of learning.
While there are many traditional markers for success in the entrepreneurial world, success is something every individual has to define for themselves at the end of the day. Throughout this session, we will be discussing how womenpreneurs can decide what success looks like for them.
Now that you know how to build your project, you need to communicate your plan to others. In this session, participants will get a unique introduction to the MarketPlace before we visit it tomorrow. This section will again follow the heart/head/hands model of learning.
This course will help academy students create a strong foundational understanding of business ventures through discussion and learning around business models and value propositions.
We were designed as a blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all, the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals guide the future of new ventures. Start-ups must be prepared to adapt to these SDGs to move into the future, which we will discuss in this session.
Small- and medium-sized enterprises need clear-cut strategies to sustain their ventures, a feat we will learn all about in this session.
Station F is a legendary start-up incubator located in the 13th arrondissement of Paris. We will visit to gain inspiration and see what it looks like when many come together with a shared vision.
It’s been said that money makes the world go-’round, and never has that been more true than for young business ventures. While reaching out to investors and gaining traction and capital for your start-up, you must learn financing strategies to keep your company afloat.
While it is all too easy to believe that we all operate in our separate lanes, it is quite the opposite. As entrepreneurs, we must understand the interconnectedness of the stakeholders in our communities to thrive.
To grow as an entrepreneur means that there is a strong idea for a new venture and a demonstrated need for it in the market. In this session, we will explore what research can teach you when developing your business model.
Although we often think of corporations and entrepreneurship as separate entities, they are closely related, with more and more corporations these days encouraging intrapreneurship through in-house innovation departments. Join us as we take a look at the role that entrepreneurship plays in the corporate world.
To position your business as strategically as possible, it is essential to understand how to best market your company to your intended audiences. In this session, we will learn how product, price, promotion, place, and people can be utilized to take your company to the next level.
Speaker: Mr. Hermawan Kartajaya
This session will discuss how to assess better and navigate your venture’s market values to understand further and grow your business.
As we move towards a knowledge economy, it is essential to understand the role of knowledge entrepreneurship in bringing an innovative practice or product to life. In this session, we will explore the move toward this economy and its implications on entrepreneurship.
While the ongoing pandemic is still impacting the many industries it has upended over the last year, this session will look at what the future will look like once it is contained and how it will have impacted the travel industry.
Family businesses are sources of pride and honor for those fortunate enough to inherit one, but it can also be tricky to go into business with loved ones. In this session, we will learn how to navigate these experiences to keep your family business going for the next generation.
Transitioning from a small, private business to a publicly traded company is a feat of enormous proportions and one that you will be equipped to handle after this session.
Once you have the spark of an idea for your new venture, it is time to take it to the next level with this session, which will lay out all aspects of the business plan that will guide your idea from spark to fire.
In this session, we will discuss how e-commerce has wholly shifted the shopping landscape in the last few decades and how the pandemic has only further solidified the possibility of online shopping. We will take a unique look at how the arts industry has adapted to this new ecosystem and how it will continue to change with the rise of e-commerce.
The past year and a half has marked a paradigm shift in digital connections. This session will guide attendees through the evidence-based approach to connecting with your market audience through digital platforms.
This session will discuss how to assess better and navigate your venture’s market values to understand further and grow your business.
It is one thing to devise a business plan and another thing entirely to make sure your model is sustainable in the long run. Through this session, we will learn several different models to base your business so that your venture will be long-lasting.
Although women are increasingly being recognized for their significant contributions to society, there are still businesses that utilize a “token” female––a woman who is a visible figurehead, but whose voice may not be fully heard. Nowhere is that more prevalent than at the upper echelon of decision-making. In this Seminar, the author of the COPE- ZIMMERMANN Act discusses France’s Strategy and significant success in increasing female leadership.
Building a solid personal brand consistent with both your current endeavors and possible future endeavors is part of being a successful entrepreneur. Through this session, you will learn why branding works and how to craft a brand that reflects your individual goals.
Even the best, the most well-thought-out pitch will go nowhere fast if it’s delivered in a way that downplays its strengths and novel ideas. In this session, learn how to perform your pitch to investors in a way that they cannot refuse.
When it comes to decision-making, it would be wonderful if it were all sunshine and roses all the time. In this session, learn how to deal with tough times to decide and move forward from them.
Performers are those who succeed in whatever they do by catching the light and making their mark. This session will explore what makes these people exceptional.
Stories have been told since the beginning of human society. They are essential for understanding our world and what we have to give. This session will unlock some of the secrets you need in order to tell a good story and make your business a success.
Understanding how the world will change as we catapult toward sustainability goals will be invaluable information to have as we all learn to pivot to a world that looks different from the one we’ve always known.
As we recover from COVID-19, businesses will need more than funding to build and grow, like building robust partnerships with big corporate companies. In this lecture, finance and business development strategies will take on new life as you get an insider’s perspective on equity.
Women often find it hard to develop viable ventures alone. Cooptation is the solution to building a business with sustainable revenues. This talk will discuss the concept of Cooptation, and how women can use it, to advance their businesses.
One consequence of historical inequality is a lack of role models. This can affect not only a person’s goals but how a person views themselves. Women in nontraditional roles are at increased risk of imposter syndrome. This seminar will investigate why we are vulnerable and how to combat the restrictions we put on ourselves.
See Entrepreneurism at work, changing women’s lives in Chile, with this group of indigenous entrepreneurs and leaders.
Large companies have a culture all their own. In this Seminar, learn why companies should commit to promoting innovation by women and the best practices that promote it.
Being a leader is not only about being the person in charge and calling the shots; it’s also about how you arrive at your conclusions with integrity and through critical thinking.
At its root, Entrepreneurism is about doing something new or different. In this fun workshop, specifically designed for WE participants, join master of many skills Ricardo Alvaraz as he leads us through exercises that stimulate creativity and growth.
More information here.
In this session, speakers from ICSB’s Womenpreneurs (WE) program will join the Academy to share their unique experiences and learnings on their paths to becoming entrepreneurs.
Students will have the opportunity to present their pitches to the “Evil Panel,” from whom they will receive a critical response. After focusing on utilizing personal strengths for entrepreneurial success, students will be confronted with “real-world” truths as they compete for the ICSB “World Cup.”
To grow both as global businesses and well-rounded human beings, it is essential to understand how to work with many people across many cultures. By showing cultural competence, we can be sure that internal biases are not unwittingly keeping clients away. This session will explore how to increase proficiency in inter-and intracultural communication and knowledge.
Nothing in this world exists in a vacuum. It is of the utmost importance that we, as entrepreneurs, learn to navigate entrepreneurial networks to support one another and lift each other.
Hear the latest from the OECD Future of Business Survey and State of Small Business Report. What does it tell us about small businesses worldwide now and in the future.
Sustainable Development Goals are a way for businesses to hold themselves accountable, but they are also a powerful measurement tool to regulate work done in the global community. This session will examine how SDGs cross cultural and national boundaries to create a better world for all.
You’ve developed a model of how to build your project; now you need to learn how to make it bigger. In this session, we explore the stages required to make a business grow. This section will again follow the heart/head/hands model of learning.
In this exciting session, we will examine several case studies to see how sustainable development is possible and necessary in our ever-evolving world.
Despite being firmly entrenched in the third wave of feminism, there are still many barriers. In this seminar, Laurence Le Ny, Vice President of French Tech Grande Provence and VP Startup at Orange (a big International Telecom Company), will share her experience in the cultural industry and the startup ecosystem.
We live in an increasingly digital world. In this session, we explore how to take advantage of the opportunities that digital innovation presents.
By examining five theories, entrepreneurs will learn how to take research and apply it to their innovations and businesses.
For those interested in taking their research to the next level and being published, this session will examine best practices for becoming a published author.
Women are often expected to do it all: be successful bosses, partners, and community members. It’s no easy feat to juggle everything. This session is a chance for us to explore and share our secrets to balancing all of life’s demands.
Both those who do research and those who put theory into practice have invaluable insights to share. This session is dedicated to bringing the two groups together to share insights and perspectives.
Dr. Herman Aguinis & Caryn Beck-Dudley
Universities in Entrepreneurial Eco-system and MSMEs Revitalization: Kenyan Case by Hezron Osano
When do entrepreneurs smirk at university entrepreneurship centers? by Norris Krueger, Ethne Swartz and Dianne Welsh
For a Better Understanding of Women Entrepreneurs’ Financing Behavior: A deal approach in context(s): How are women entrepreneurs’ behaviours constructed in regards to their financing by Pauline Gibard and Marie Christine Chalus-Sauvannet
From Micro to a Macro Level Understanding of Business Model Innovation by Carlos DaSilva
Comparison of innovation, effectuation and firm performance of SMEs in Switzerland and the USA by Andreas Ziltener
Swimming against the tide. The relationship between configurations of success factors and cultural and creative entrepreneurs’ business growth by Elmar Konrad and Max Höllen
Financial Management of FinTech Start-ups in Times of Uncertainty: Lessons from Australia by Mariya Yesseleva-Pionka
Assessment and Impact of Microfinance Institutions by Begoña Gutiérrez-Nieto and Carlos Serrano-Cinca
A qualitative investigation of factors influencing successful crowdfunding campaigns in the UK and China using the reward model
Understanding marketing is crucial to understanding how to take a great idea and ensure that it reaches the most people possible. In this session, we will discuss how to market a start-up so that your venture is on a steady path for growth.
To round out the Academy, join us at this session to learn how to best hone, develop, and present your pitch before gaining real-world experience through a pitching competition.
In this exciting session, you will get a sneak peak into ICSB’s agenda for the upcoming year. We will also spend time exploring strategies for putting what you have learned from this week into action.
In-person: Winslow Sargeant
Online host: Jennifer Kirkland
It’s finally time to show off the projects that the WE Grow participants have been workin on. WE Advance members are also invited to sign up for a time slot and pitch their ideas for a better world.
Together, WE have worked hard and learned a lot; now it’s time to celebrate our accomplishments.
What makes early internationalizing firms go faster? by Pierre-Louis Meuric and Véronique Favre-Bonté
Empathy and the entrepreneurial process: cross-disciplinary fertilization via holistic marketing and mediation hypotheses by Chihmao Hsieh, Edwin Sanusi and Taewon Suh
Does Self and Others Individual Entrepreneurial Orientation Matter for the Employees Personnel Performance? by Satoshi Yamamoto and Makoto Fujimura
Factors determining entrepreneurial activities in innovation driven economies. A few goast laid to rest in the focus of the entrepreneurship model by Dr. Hartmut Meyer
The Impact of Corporate Governance on Long Term Survival of Small Businesses in Canada by Oluwasegun Popoola
Korean Diasporas’ Entrepreneurship Clusters in Australia: Integration or Separation? by Ty Choi
The International Council for Small Business (ICSB) is an organization dedicated to providing knowledge, information on new developments, and useful resources to micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises to inspire growth and profitability.
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Talia Tomarchio is the President and Founder of Steminist Squad. I am a Senior Computer Science major Neuroscience minor at Rowan University. During the pandemic, I felt disconnected and isolated in my studies. Assuming other girls felt the same, I created Steminist Squad! This community aims to give all young women the opportunity to become successful and supported in their STEM journey.
Nouf Al-Neyadi is a Special Projects Manager within the International Council for Small Business (ICSB). Nouf holds responsibilities corresponding to journal management for both the Journal of Small Business Management (JSBM) and the Journal of the International Council for Small Business (JICSB). These official publications of ICSB aim to deliver quality research articles within the areas of small business management, entrepreneurship, and micro-small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs).
Nouf is also a full-time MBA Candidate at The George Washington University School of Business (GWSB) focusing on Global Management as well as Marketing and Brand Management. Nouf completed her undergraduate studies from GWSB in Fall 2019 to obtain a BBA, a minor in Communications, and a dual concentration in International Business and Marketing. She holds over 5 years of experience in business management where she gained a passion for work that directly promotes diversity, curiosity, and creativity. She has a growing interest in global management to further improve the domestic and international business culture by utilizing a global mindset.
Rita Grant is the Director of the School of Accounting at the Seidman College of Business at Grand Valley State University in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Her teaching interests include Intermediate Accounting and International Accounting. Her research interests include harmonization, family business and financial disclosure issues. She is a member of the American Accounting Association and AAA sections APLG,FAR and TLC. She is an executive board member of the International Council for Small Business.
Dr. Hartmut-Heinrich Meyer is a professor of Business Administration and Entrepreneurship at FOM, Germany.
María Fernanda Andrés is the director of Negocios de ACELERADORA LITORAL. Professor at the National University of the Litoral and National University of Rafaela of Argentina. President of the International Council for Small Business, Argentine subsidiary (2018-2019).
Jennifer Kirkland is an MBA candidate at George Washington University School of Business. A graduate of Douglass College for Women at Rutgers University, she has a passion for women’s issues and strives to help women be their best. She also has years of experience fundraising for nonprofit organizations. She is the Director of Sponsorship for the ICSB, a wife, a mom, and a curious questioner.
Dr. Crane is an Executive Professor of Entrepreneurship & Innovation at the College of Business at Northeastern University; Former Editor of the Journal of the Academy of Business Education; and co-founder of Ceilidh Insights LLC – an innovation management training, intellectual property consulting and consumer insight company.
At Northeastern, he teaches courses in entrepreneurship and innovation and serves as the Faculty Advisor for the Private Equity and Venture Capital Club.
Dr. Crane grew up in a family business and also started and operated several of his own businesses, including successful management consulting, innovation/design, and research firms. In addition to founding his own businesses, he has also been an angel investor and has worked as a consultant for angel investors, venture capitalists, and government agencies on venture funding projects.
His academic research activities have resulted in more than 100 publications including more than a dozen books. His current research stream intersects the domains of innovation, entrepreneurship and corporate venturing. Dr. Crane has also received numerous awards for teaching excellence over the past twenty years.
Dr. Crane lives on a farm with his spouse and their beloved horses and dogs. One of his major passions is equine rescue especially the welfare of wild mustangs. Profit from his book sales goes to these causes.
Dr. Ruth Dwyer. MD, serves as the Senior Project Manager for the International Council for Small Business (ICSB).
Pivoting pediatricians interested in social entrepreneurship, small businesses, and the SDGs. Ruth has worked on numerous medical startups. She enjoys painting, playing games, shooting hoops, and time with my family.
Adnane Maalaoui is Director for Entrepreneurship programs at IPAG Business School. His researches mainly focus on entrepreneurship issues and especially on disadvantaged entrepreneurs (elderly, refugees, disabled entrepreneurs, etc.). He is interested in topics such as: entrepreneurial intention and cognitive approach to entrepreneurship. He mainly applies those questions to cases of diversity and social entrepreneurship. Adnan Maalaoui is the author of 20+ articles published in academic journals. Likewise, he is the author of articles published in professional journals, and in edited books. Adnane is also the author of a series of French speaking MOOCs on entrepreneurship.
French politician of La République en Marche (LREM), serving as a member of the French National Assembly since 2017
General Manager at La Posts Services for Equity
French Businessmann. He is the CEO of a French StartUp, Evolukid. It offers scientific discovery workshops, initiation to computer programming and robotics for children and adults.
Monica Michel (born 16 April 1955) is a French politician of La République En Marche! (LREM). Since 18 June 2017, she has served as the member of the National Assembly for the 16th district of Bouches-du-Rhône.
VP Music & Culture at Orange.
Based in Paris, in charge of strategy , marketing offers and partnerships for Europe and Middle East & Africa Orange’s affiliates.
Member of the French Digital Council (Conseil national du Numérique), Board member of The Orchestre de Paris, Member of the Steering Board CNV (Centre national des Variétés).
Previously, she had different positions in the music industry in France as Managing director at Warner Music and Sony’ Epic label. Starting her career in Promotion departments of CBS, Polydor and then at BMG.
Mayor of Meaux, President of CAPM, Former Minster of France, Former Deputy
Jean Charroin is the Managing Director of ESSCA Group.
Guillaume Bigot has been the General Director of Ipag Business School since July 2008.
French entrepreneur and politician. He is a Senator representing French people living outside France sinceJuly 2018.
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled
Author of The Secret of Performers
Performers are those people who succeed in whatever they do by catching the light and making their mark. They seem to have something bigger thatmakes them exceptional. Something thatputs them powerfully in the service ofaction and life.
Managing Editor, Journal of the International Council for Small Business (JICSB) and ICSB Board member.
A seasoned entrepreneur, advertising and marketing professional, Dr. Ricardo Alvarez has more than 35 years of professional experience working in different industries, from advertising agencies to retail marketing to banking and health services. He holds a BS in Advertising and an MBA and DBA from USIU/CETYS University. He is a founding partner of Simó-Bosch Consulting, a business development and strategic services firm. Currently, he is a full-time entrepreneurship professor and researcher at CETYS University Graduate School of Business. Dr. Alvarez has been mentor in several incubators, like MindHub and Endeavor. He is the president of the Mexican chapter of the International Council for Small Business (ICSB), where he also serves as a voting board member. His academic research is focused on business innovation, experiential learning, organizational development, change management and entrepreneurship finance.
Mr. Abouelazm is the Chairman of Tamweely Micro Finance company. Board member of ICSB and President of ICSB Egypt.
Previously Mr. Aboelazm was the vice Chairman, CEO and co-founder of Tanmeyah Micro Enterprise Services before he divested his interest as the company was acquired by EFG-Hermes in a historical transaction that witnessed the highest value of a MF company in Egypt.
Mr. Abouelazm has accumulated 25 years of experience in banking, finance, economic development and investment finance. Mr. Abouelazm was earlier the Deputy Director of the German Development Bank (KFW) in Egypt.
Mr. Abouelazm is recognized as one of the main resource executives in Egypt in the field of management of financial service companies, policy structuring, operational management and corporate structuring.
Mr. Abouelazm has participated in the formulation of the National Micro Finance Strategy for Egypt and is a lecturer on Entrepreneurship development, financial services delivery and Management. He is recognized as a reference in the field by various financial institutions and service-providers. He is also an angel investor in a number of start ups and mentor to a number of entrepreneurs and advisor for Fin tech startups.
Mr. Abouelazm received a B.A in Economics from the American University in Cairo in 1993 and an AUC Masters Degree in Development specializing in Commercialization and Development of Micro Enterprises in 2004.
Mr. Abouelazm is a board member of the International council for small business (ICSB) , President of the Middle East Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (MCSBE).
He is a Board Member and Member of the restructuring committee, HR and MF committee of Nasser Social Bank. Mr. Abouelazm is also a board member of the Micro Small and Medium Enterprise Development Authority (SMEDA).
Hermawan Kartajaya, the President of World Marketing Association, is one of the “50 Gurus Who Have Shaped The Future of Marketing” appointed by The Chartered Institute of Marketing, United Kingdom (CIM-UK).
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled
Chairman of the Board at International Council for Small Business (ICSB) & CEO CHROME
Dr. Ki-Chan Kim is a Professor of Management at the Catholic University of Korea.
Professor Kim envisions a world where SMEs and established companies work in partnership.
Professor Kim teaches various MBA tracks including Humane Entrepreneurship, Platform Strategy, and Korea Management (K-Management). He served as Vice-Chancellor of the University and before that, he served as the Dean of the Business School.
Professor Kim advised numerous startups, SMEs, as well as more established enterprises such as Samsung Electronics and Hyundai Motors. He continues to advise these companies – for them to achieve a sustainable business model and eco-system. He believes with the right humane partnership model, the business will attract the most qualified workers, which will bring longevity to the industry.
More recently, Dr. Kim served as the Chairman of the Innovation Economy Division at the National Economic Advisory Council (NERC) for the President of South Korea, as well as the President of the International Council for Small Business (ICSB) and much more.
During his presidency at the ICSB, Professor Kim emphasized the happiness of employees in small and medium enterprises. From his extensive research in the automotive production line, he has found an undeniable connection between the worker’s satisfactory level of work and commitment to the product. Hence why Professor Kim estimates Employee’s dedication level as the ultimate asset of the company. With Dr. Kim’s initiatives (along with ICSB colleagues), the United Nations have declared June 27 as the UN MSMEs Day.
Dr. Kim’s most recent publication: “The Joy of Innovation (2019)” has been selected as the National Book Award of South Korea, King Sejong Book Collection 2020. The book highlights how businesses can stay competitive through innovation in a fluctuating market.
Winslow Sargeant is the Senior Advisor for Globalization and Head of Capital Markets for Genaesis. In this role, he syndicates opportunities with unaffiliated third-party capital partners – both domestically and internationally – facilitating optimized valuations and deal structures. He is also incoming Chair of the Board with the International Council for Small Business (ICSB).
From 2017-2020, Dr. Sargeant served as the President-Elect and Senior Vice President for Development and ICSB Vice President for Partnerships, respectively. During his tenure, he has work to educate government and non-profit organization leaders on what is required to build sustainable ecosystems for small businesses. With ICSB, he worked with select group to nations for the establishment of the Micro-, Small and Medium-Sized (MSMEs) ratified by the United Nations General Assembly on April 6, 2017. Dr. Sargeant help organized the annual Micro-, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs) forum at the United Nations, held since 2017. From 2010 to 2015, he was the Chief Counsel for Advocacy with the United States (US) Small Business Administration (SBA)Office of Advocacy. Appointed by the President of the United States (POTUS) and later confirmed by the US Senate, the Chief Counsel for Advocacy directs the office. The Chief Counsel advances the views, concerns, and interests of small business before Congress, the White House, federal agencies, federal courts, and state policy makers. Economic research, policy analyses, and small business outreach help identify issues of concern. Regional Advocates and an office in Washington, DC, support the Chief Counsel’s efforts. From 2006 to 2009, he was the managing director at Venture Investors, LLC (VI), and early stage venture capital firm, headquartered in Madison, Wisconsin and $200M under management, VI invested in innovative research from leading universities in the upper Midwest. From 2001 to 2005, he was the program manager for the Small Business Innovations Research (SBIR) program Electronics topic in Industrial Innovation, a new office in the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Engineering Directorate. The SBIR program invests more than $100M per year in seed and early stage technology companies.
Analia Pastran, Founder and Executive Director of Smartly Social Entrepreneurship on the SDGs, New York and Buenos Aires.
Smartly is a social enterprise leading the way in coordinating action to communicate and localize the SDGs within the private and public sectors, in Latin America and beyond. It holds three international awards.
Mentor in the Program, Women in Public Policy of Cornell Institute for Public Affairs, Cornell University, New York. Analia was awarded with the Entrepreneurial Leadership award by International Council for Small Business (ICSB) in Salerno, Italy. Professor of Transnational Policy, Political Communication and Strategy & Geopolitics in the Catholic University of La Plata, Argentina. International Speaker. She worked also as the Director of Communication of the International Council of Small Businesses (ICSB), was a consultant at CIFAL Global Network, the Network of Training Centers affiliated to UNITAR (United Nations Institute for Training and Research).
Katia Passerini, Ph.D., a nationally recognized knowledge management scholar with extensive higher education experience, has been appointed Provost and Executive Vice President (EVP) of Seton Hall University. Passerini currently serves as the Lesley H. and William L. Collins Distinguished Chair and Dean of the Lesley H. and William L. Collins College of Professional Studies at St. John’s University.
Vicki Stylianou is the head of advocacy and policy at Institute of Public Accountants, Australia as well as an ICSB Board member.
Scholar, educator, writer, ecosystem builder, entrepreneur. Consultant to entrepreneurship educators globally, to academics globally, and to world’s best entrepreneurial ecosystem builders, Norris Krueger is proudest of championing entrepreneurs and innovators. How do we grow an expert entrepreneurial mindset? How do we grow a bottom-up entrepreneurial ecosystem? (Both often in the face of entrenched interests.)
Dr. Krueger has worked for and been honored by the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation and its landmark ESHIP program, the International Council for Small Business, Academy of Management, OECD, EU, ILO, UN, and for cities, states and countries worldwide. Locally, he proudly champions the Idaho Women’s Business Center, VentureCapital.Org, the Idaho Rural Growth Initiative and more. Learn more at and on social media @entrep_thinking.
Skye Blanks serves as the Junior Project Manager for the International Council for Small Business (ICSB), and specifically assists in the Knowledge Hubs (KHubs) project, which are institutions or networks, dedicated to capture, share and exchange development experiences with national and international partners in order to accelerate development for micro-small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs). He also specializes in the ICSB’s Entrepreneurship certificate programs . In addition to being a project manager, Skye is pursuing a BA in International Affairs with a concentration in International Development from The George Washington University Elliott School of International Affairs and he is also pursuing a minor in Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship from the GW School of Business. Before dedicating his work towards the ICSB, Skye worked abroad as a Research and Development Intern for the Barcelona based NGO, Asociación Bienestar y Desarrollo.
Tammy Nguyen recently graduated from San Diego State University, receiving a degree in Business Management with an emphasis in entrepreneurship. While attending SDSU, she worked with the Lavin Entrepreneurship center as the event coordinator to plan and run the California Entrepreneurship Educators Conference two years in a row. Tammy was also the Program and Mentorship coordinator for the Lavin Entrepreneurship Program that has been geared towards providing students from all over the campus entrepreneurship courses, skills, tools, and a valuable network to help develop future and current entrepreneurs. Outside of school, Tammy is President of Streets of Hope San Diego, a non-profit organization that provides food and resources to the homeless weekly. She also volunteers by running 4-6 business events yearly with Awaken Church’s Pathfinders Team.
Hannah Gilroy is a Project Manager at the International Council for Small Business. She works in collaboration with the rest of the ICSB staff within the realms of Marketing, website design and function, and ICSB’s research journals. Hannah has worked with ICSB since the onset of the 2020 global pandemic.
In addition to her work with ICSB, Hannah runs a collaborative writing company, called Writing You, through which her team works with clients on visioning plans using her skills in motivational interviewing, writing, and editing.
Kyle Lyon is the Junior Project Manager at the International Council for Small Business (ICSB), and primarily oversees membership, registrations, and financial activities for the ICSB. In addition to his duties, Kyle is a junior currently pursuing a B.A. in Marketing with a minor in communications at the George Washington University School of Business. Before dedicating his work towards the ICSB, Kyle served as a Legislative Intern for the Office of Congresswoman Lisa Blunt Rochester.