ICSB is delighted to announce a new addition to the  ICSB Global Certificate Program led by Dr. Herman Aguinis, Avram Tucker Distinguished Scholar and professor of management at The George Washington University School of Business and currently serving as AOM Vice President & Program Chair.

He is ranked among the top 100 most influential researchers in Economics and Business in the world and received the Michael R. Losey Excellence in Human Resource Research Award for lifetime achievement in human resource research that makes contributions to practice.

The certificate will be on improving management research best practices.

Dr. Aguinis will also be a keynote speaker at the ICSB 2020 World Congress. His keynote is titled:

Improving Management Research Best Practices Certificate

The pressure to publish in top-tier journals is now a global phenomenon. Universities all around the world allocate important rewards and resources based on faculty members’ publication records. At the same time, there is growing pressure for researchers to publish research that is not only rigorous but also relevant. Also, in addition to the increased competition to publish rigorous and relevant research in a more and more selective and shortlist of journals, the fast pace of methodological advancements means that research tools that were popular just a few years ago are quickly becoming obsolete—and new ones emerge on an ongoing basis. Taken together, these trends result in an urgent need for researchers in management, entrepreneurship, and related fields to update their methodological toolkit on an ongoing basis.

The purpose of this certificate is to describe an assortment of novel methodological techniques, provide updates on others that are more familiar, and address specific methodological questions posed by workshop participants. The workshop will first include an overview of important methodological issues and then participants will have an opportunity to ask questions about specific methodological challenges they are facing, or anticipate facing, in their own research. Depending on the specific areas of interest of workshop participants, the following is a non-exhaustive list of topics to be covered:

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Full Speaker Bio

Dr. Herman Aguinis is the Avram Tucker Distinguished Scholar, professor of management, and chairperson of the Department of Management at the George Washington University School of Business (GWSB). He is ranked among the top 100 most influential researchers in Economics and Business in the world and received the Michael R. Losey Excellence in Human Resource Research Award for lifetime achievement in human resource research that makes contributions to practice. Also, he has been elected for the presidency track of the Academy of Management, the world’s largest and most prestigious association for management educators and scholars, and is currently serving as Vice President. Prior to joining GWSB, he was the John F. Mee Chair of Management and the Founding and Managing Director of the Institute for Global Organizational Effectiveness in the Kelley School of Business, Indiana University. In addition, he has been a visiting scholar at universities in the People’s Republic of China (Beijing and Hong Kong), Malaysia, Singapore, Argentina, France, Spain, Puerto Rico, Australia, and South Africa.

His research addresses the acquisition and deployment of talent in organizations and organizational research methods. Recent projects address star performance, corporate social responsibility and business sustainability, domestic and international workforce diversity, leadership, staffing, training and development, performance management, and innovative methodological approaches. His professional and life agenda is to have an impact on the academic community, but also on society at large.

Dr. Aguinis is Dr. Aguinis has published nine books, including Performance Management for Dummies (2019), Performance Management (4th edition, 2019), Applied Psychology in Talent Management (8th edition, 2019, with W.F. Cascio), and Regression Analysis for Categorical Moderators. In addition, he has written more than 160 refereed journal articles and 45 book chapters, monographs in edited series, and other publications; has delivered about 300 keynote addresses and presentations at professional conferences, more than 140 invited presentations in all seven continents except for Antarctica, and raised about $5MM for his research and teaching endeavors (e.g., National Science Foundation). Also, he is a Fellow of the Academy of Management, the American Psychological Association, the Association for Psychological Science, and the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, and has been inducted into the Society of Organizational Behavior. He served as president of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management and has received numerous additional awards including the Academy of Management Research Methods Division Distinguished Career Award for lifetime contributions, Academy of Management Practice Theme Committee Scholar Practice Impact Award recognizing an outstanding scholar who has had an impact on policymaking and managerial and organizational practices, Academy of Management Entrepreneurship Division IDEA Thought Leader Award, best article of the year award from six different journals, Indiana University Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Building Bridges Award for promoting equality, equity, diversity, and justice (2014), and Indiana University Latino Faculty and Staff Council Distinguished Faculty Award recognizing his service, mentoring, and promotion of diversity initiatives.

Dr. Aguinis teaches courses at the MBA, executive, and Ph.D. levels in the areas of organizational behavior, human resource management, and research methods and analysis such as international management, foundations of management, global organizational effectiveness, performance management, statistics, and research methods. In addition to his academic activities, Dr. Aguinis has consulted with organizations in the U.S., Europe, and Latin America including the United Nations, AT&T, the City of San Francisco Police Department, Kronos, Accenture, and Sears Holdings Corp., among others. He was appointed by the U.S. Department of State to serve a five-year term on the Board of Examiners for the United States Foreign Service and has provided expert testimony and written briefs for several high-profile court cases (including the U.S. Supreme Court). His research has been featured by numerous media outlets in the U.S. and abroad including The Wall Street Journal, The Economist, Forbes, Business Week, National Public Radio, USA Today, The Seattle Times, The Chicago Tribune, HR Magazine, Univision, Mujer Actual (Spain), and La Nación (Argentina), among others.


ICSB Global Program Director: Dr. Tony Mendes (email: mendesa@umkc.edu)
ICSB Global Program Assistant: Ms. Jordyn Murphy (email: jordyn@icsb.org) or tel: 202-994-0704
ICSB Executive Director: Dr. Ayman El Tarabishy (email: aymanelt@icsb.org) or tel: 202-468-3133